Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Quick Sketch

I did a quick sketch last night, because it has been too long since I have done any artwork. I’m posting it here not because I’m pleased with the results, but because I need the motivation to get busy. I bought this bust for the purpose of learning the Sight-Size approach to drawing. This was only a sketch. When I get the studio set up I will start that training.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Painting finished

Here it almost finished. I worked on it about 8 hours Saturday and 2 hours Sunday. I painted it by building up thin layers. If you click on it you can see a large view. You will see that I painted the saucer, spoon and tea bag a little looser than the tea kettle. I was going to try a technique called glazing on this painting, but I think I will give it a coat of varnish and call it finished.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Painting in Oil

I switched gears and got out the oil paints. I have not painted in oils now for some time. I have been doing some work in graphite, and before that I was painting in watercolors. Here is the setup and the rough block in stage. I use a brush to draw with burnt sienna adding some Dammar Varnish thinned with turpenoid. At this point I had about ½ hour painting time invested.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Orange study

First painting for 2009. Our house was in chaos most of the day with the taking down of the Christmas decorations. Not having a studio makes it hard to find a place to work. It was late when I set up this little still life, but I wanted to give the oil pastels another try.

This time I used a 6"x 8" Masonite panel that was primed with gesso. I used a #4 filbert with some odorless Turpenoid to do some blending. I liked working on the panel because it has a smoother surface.