Saturday, July 18, 2009

This year’s VBS theme was Boomerang Express from LifeWay. I painted this back drop using their beautiful design as a reference. I cannot take credit for the composition, but it was all done by hand no tracing or projector was used here.

The photo of the train in process was painted last Saturday. For some reason the power was out in Halltown MO. The only light source I had was coming through the double doors facing the north. It was an awesome time; God always provides all that I need.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I finished it, about a week late, but that’s OK. I’m glad I did not rush it. I was able to spend all day Saturday working on it. This week I will be painting for VBS.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

This drawing was started in hopes of getting it finished for the first Springfield Regional Arts Council’s Members Show. It opened First Friday Art Walk July 3. I did not get it done. That seems to be the norm for me right now.

I have little time to get any art done, and that’s not an excuse, it’s just the way it is. I need to change my priorities. God has given me many opportunities, and now I need to do my part. VBS is coming in July so my painting time will be focused on that.